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Lesser panda in a sentence

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Sentence count:5Posted:2018-10-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: lesser antilleslesserpeter panto a lesser extentto a lesser degreeunderpantsafter-sales servicecounterpaneMeaning: n. reddish-brown Old World raccoon-like carnivore; in some classifications considered unrelated to the giant pandas. 
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1. The three are conjoined most deeply by the child first known as Little Panda, and then called Loyalty.
2. In addition, the lesser panda, has recently met the public at the end of February.
3. Owing to the human activities, too much cutting of the forests and hunting, lesser pandas disappeared in part of the lesser panda districts and are constantly retreating to the southern mountains.
4. There is one of rare animals Yunnan snub - nose monkey, lesser panda.
5. It suggested that giant panda might has closer relationship with bears than that with lesser panda and raccoon and should be classified into the Ursidae family with malayan bear .
More similar words: lesser antilleslesserpeter panto a lesser extentto a lesser degreeunderpantsafter-sales servicecounterpaneoverpassedbessemer processblessednesslesseeguessertesseradessertdresserpresserlessenblessedwitnesseraddresserexpresserlessenednoblesselesseningblessedlyhairdresserblessed withwireless setassertiveness
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